Laboratory Services

MASI (Mobile Analytical Services, Inc) is a full-service environmental laboratory specializing in analyses on drinking water, wastewater, storm water, solid and hazardous waste. In addition, MASI offers electronic EPA reporting, a statewide* courier service, and quick consistent turn times. With two locations to serve you and 47 years of experience, let MASI tailor services to meet your needs.

Drinking Water Capabilities

TestMethodBottlePreservativeHold TimeTurn TimeInstructions
Alkalinity, StabSM 2320250ml PlasticNon Preserved14 days7-10 business days
Alkalinity, TotalSM2320 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved14 days7-10 business days
AsbestosEPA 100.12-quart cubesNon preserved48 hoursSub contracted / 30 days
ChlorideSM4500 Cl B250ml PlasticNon Preserved28 days7-10 business days
Chlorine, TotalSM4500 Cl B250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP7-10 business days
ConductivitySM 2510 B250ml plasticNon Preserved28 days7-10 business days
FluorideSM 4500 F C250ml plasticNon preserved7 days7-10 business days
Nitrate (NO3)SM 4500 NO3 F250ml plasticSulfuric Acid - Non preserved28 days - 48 hours7-10 business days
Nitrite (NO2)SM 4500 NO3 F250ml plasticNon preserved48 hours7-10 business days
Iron, SuspEPA 200.7250ml plasticNon preserved48 hours7-10 business days
Manganese, SuspEPA 200.7250ml plasticNon preserved48 hours7-10 business days
Copper RuleEPA 200.71L plasticNon preserved - Nitric Acid14 days - 6 mons7-10 business daysCopper Rule Sampling Instructions
Lead RuleSM 3113 B1L plasticNon preserved - Nitric Acid14 days - 6 mons7-10 business daysLead Rule Sampling Instructions
pHSM 4500 H+250ml plasticNon preservedASAP7-10 business days
Phosphate, OrthoSM 4500 P E250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours7-10 business days
TurbiditySM 2130 B250ml plasticNon preserved48 hours7-10 business days
Residue, Total FilteredSM 2540 C250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days7-10 business days
Sulfate, SO4SM 4500 SO4 E250ml plasticNon preserved28 days7-10 business days
Total AlphaEP EERF 00-024L CubeNon Preserved14 daysSub contracted / 30 days
Total BetaEPA 900.04L CubeNon Preserved14 daysSub contracted / 30 days
Radium 228EPA 904.04L CubeNon Preserved14 daysSub contracted / 30 days
Phosphate, Total (PO4)SM 4500 P E250ml plasticSulfuric Acid28 days7-10 business days
Phosphorus, Total (TP)SM 4500 P E250ml plasticSulfuric Acid28 days7-10 business days
CyanideOIA-1677DW250ml plasticAscorbic Acid + NaOH14 days7-10 business days
TTHMEPA 524.23-40ml vialsAscorbic Acid + HCl14 days10 business daysTTHM Drinking Water Sampling Instructions
HAA5EPA 552.32-60ml vialsAmmonium Chloride14 days10 business daysHAA5 Drinking Water Sampling Instructions
TOCSM 5310C3-40ml vialsPhosphoric Acid28 days10 business days
VOCEPA 524.23-40ml vialsAscorbic Acid + HCl14 days10 business daysVOC Drinking Water Sampling Instructions
Metals**Methods ***250ml plasticNitric Acid or Non Preserved6 mos/14 days7-10 business days
HardnessSM 2340 B250ml plasticNitric Acid or Non Preserved6 mos/14 days7-10 business days

**Including but not limited to Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, Se, Tl, Fe, Mn, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mo, Ag, Na, Pb, Zn
*** Methods: EPA 200.7 / EPA 200.9 / SM 3113 B

SOC ParametersInstructions
Group 1EPA 525.21L Amber glassSodium Sulfite + HCl14 days10-14 business daysGroup 1 SOC 525.2 Semivolatile Pesticides Sampling Instructions
Group 2EPA 515.3250ml Amber glassSodium Thiosulfate14 days10-14 business daysGroup 2 SOC 515.3 Herbicides Sampling Instructions
EPA 531.13-40ml vialsMonochloroacetic Acid28 days10-14 business daysGroup 2 SOC 531.1 Carbamates Sampling Instructions
Group 3EPA 5081L Amber glassSodium Thiosulfate7 days10-14 business daysGroup 3 SOC 508 Pesticides Sampling Instructions
EPA 5473-40ml vialsSodium Thiosulfate14 days10-14 business daysGroup 3 SOC 547 Glyphosate Sampling Instructions
EPA 549.11L Amber plasticSodium Thiosulfate + H2SO47 days10-14 business days
Group 4EPA 525.21L Amber glassSodium Sulfite + HCl14 days10-14 business daysGroup 4 SOC 525.2 Semivolatile Pesticides Sampling Instructions
EPA 548.1250ml Amber glassSodium Thiosulfate7 days10-14 business daysGroup 4 SOC 548.1 Endothall Sampling Instructions

Waste Water Capabilities

TestMethodBottlePreservativeHold TimeSpecial RequirementsInstructions
Alkalinity, PhenSM 2320250ml PlasticNon Preserved14 days
Alkalinity, StabSM 2330250ml PlasticNon Preserved14 days
Alkalinity, TotalSM 2320 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved14 days
BOD, 5 DaySM 5210 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
CBOD, 5 DaySM 5210 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
ChlorideSM 4500Cl B250ml PlasticNon Preserved28 days
Chlorine, FreeSM 4500Cl G250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP
Chlorine, ResidualSM 4500Cl G250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP
Chlorine, TotalSM 4500Cl G250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP
CODSM 5220 D250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
ConductivitySM 2510 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved28 days
CyanideOIA 1677-09250ml PlasticAscorbic Acid / NaOH at Receipt14 days
Dissolved OxygenSM 4500 O G250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP
E-ColiSM 9223 B - 18 hr100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate6+2 hoursMASI Container
Fecal ColiformSM 9223 B - 18 hr100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate6+2 hoursMASI Container
Fecal StrepSM 9230 C100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate6+2 hoursMASI Container
Flash Point, ClosedSM 1010 / 1030Amber QtNon PreservedN/A
Flash Point, OpenSM 1010 / 1030Amber QtNon PreservedN/A
HardnessSM 2340 B250ml PlasticNitric Acid or Non preserved6 mos/14 days
MBASSM 5540 C250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
Nitrate (NO3)SM 4500 NO3 F250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
Nitrite (NO2)SM 4500 NO3 F250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
Nitrate+NitriteSM 4500 NO3 F250ml PlasticNon preserved - Sulfuric Acid48 hours - 28 days
Nitrogen AmmoniaEPA 350.1250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
OdorSM 2150 BGlass Odor BtlNon PreservedASAP
pHSM 4500H+250ml PlasticNon PreservedASAP
PhenolEPA 420.1Amber QtSulfuric Acid28 days
Phosphate, OrthoSM 4500 P-E250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
Phosphate, Total (PO4)SM 4500 P-E250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
Phosphorus, Total (TP)SM 4500 P-E250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
Solids, DissolvedSM 2540C250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, Non-VolatileSM 2540 E250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, PercentSM 2540 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, SuspendedSM 2540-D250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, TotalSM 2540 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, VolatileSM 2540 E250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Solids, Volatile SuspSM 2540 E250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Specific GravitySM 2710 F250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
Specific Oxygen UptakeSM 2710250ml PlasticNon Preserved7 days
TCLPEPA 1311250 g SampleNon PreservedN/A
THMEPA 8260/6243-40ml vialsSodium Thiosulfate7 daysTrip blanks/No Headspace
TKNEPA 351.2250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
TOCSM 5310 C3-40ml vialsPhosphoric Acid28 days
TON-NEPA 350.1+351.2250ml PlasticSulfuric Acid28 days
TTOEPA 608/624/6251L glass/3-40ml vialSodium Thiosulfate7 daysTrip blanks/No Headspace for 624
TurbiditySM 2130 B250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
VOCEPA 8260/6243-40ml vialsSodium Thiosulfate7 daysTrip blanks/No Headspace
O&G HexaneEPA 1664 A / B1L AmberSulfuric Acid28 days
Low Level HgEPA 1631 ESpecial KitNon Preserved28 daysLow-Level Hg Sampling Instructions
MercuryEPA 245.1250ml PlasticNitric Acid28 days
Metals **Methods ***250ml PlasticNitric Acid or Non preserved6 mos / 14 days
Chrome HexavalentSM 3500 Cr B250ml PlasticNon Preserved24 hours
Iron SuspEPA 200.7250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
Mn SuspEPA 200.7250ml PlasticNon Preserved48 hours
PesticideEPA 608/80811L AmberSodium Thiosulfate7 days
HerbicideEPA 81511L AmberSodium Thiosulfate7 days
TPH GROEPA 8015 B3-40ml vialsSodium Thiosulfate7 days
TPH DROEPA 8015 B1L AmberSodium Thiosulfate7 days
PCBEPA 80821L AmberSodium Thiosulfate7 days

** Including but not limited to Al, Sb, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Hg, Mo, Ni, K, Se, Ag, Na, Tl, Zn
*** Methods: EPA 200.7 / EPA 200.9

NPDES/Microbiological Capabilities

TestMethodBottlePreservativeHold TimeTurn TimeInstructions
Total Coliform MMO-MUGSM 9223-18100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours36 hoursTotal Coliform Sampling Instructions
E-Coli MMO-MUGSM9223 B100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours36 hours
Total Coliform Quanti TraySM9223 B-QT100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours36 hoursTotal Coliform Sampling Instructions
Total Coliform Membrane filterSM 9222 B G100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours96 hoursTotal Coliform Sampling Instructions
Fecal Coliform Membrane filterSM 9222 D100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours36 hours
E.Coli Membrane filterEPA 1603100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate30 hours96 hours
Total Plate CountSM 9215 B100ml SterileSodium Thiosulfate24 hours96 hours

NPDES/Microbiological Capabilities/ Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

TestMethodBottlePreservativeHold TimeTurn TimeInstructions
Cyanobacteria qPCR screening (Saxitoxins & Microcystins)EPA-DES 705.0250ml amber glassUnpreserved / Ice immediately48 hours5-7 business daysCyanobacteria Screening Instructions
Total MicrocystinsEPA-DES 701.0 A125ml amber glassSodium Thiosulfate5 days5-7 business daysTotal Microcystins Instructions

Copyright © 2024 MASI Labs. All rights reserved.

Business Hours

Monday: 8 AM – 3 PM
Tuesday Thru Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM
Emergency Services Available 24/7

7940 Memorial Drive,
Plain City, Ohio 43064

11405 Century Circle West,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45246